NovelEU aims to increase the accessibility of top European literature in Slovenia, especially among young people and vulnerable groups. By publishing and translating twelve renowned novels from different European countries, written in twelve languages (eight of them from smaller language communities), we will try to stimulate reading culture in Slovenia. The project includes a wide range of activities such as student reading clubs, student creative workshops and bibliotherapy for young people with special needs. NovelEU addresses key societal issues such as migration, mental health, environmental challenges, social stresses and challenges, and promotes sustainable and innovative approaches to book distribution and promotion. By linking literature to education, social inclusion and cultural diversity, the project promotes critical thinking and active participation in social debates, while actively contributing to raising the level of reading culture.
Twelve novels to be published in Slovene as part of the project:
1. Honoré de Balzac – Čarobna koža
2. Pol Guasch – Napalm v srcu
3. Lucie Faulerová – Objela me bo smrt
4. Serhij Žadan – Internat
5. Tomas Espedal – Peš. (Ali umetnost divjega in poetičnega življenja)
6. Stefan Hertmans – Vzpon
7. Sofi Oksanen – Pasji park
8. Sharon Dodua Otoo – Adin svet
9. Péter Nádas – Grozljive zgodbe
10. August Strindberg – Sin služabnice
11. Grazia Deledda – Elias Portolu
12. Ivo Andrić – Most na Drini